School Policies
School Policies
- ALL SCHOOL BUS RIDERS: School Bus Pass business will be done ONLY during morning recess and at lunch/lunch recess. Do not come in the morning, during class time and/or after school. Mahalo!
STUDENT OFF-CAMPUS PASSES (PLC: Permission to Leave Campus)
Students leaving campus during the school day for personal business
must present a WRITTEN REQUEST (No Phone Calls Please) to the
attendance office IN ADVANCE; no later than 8:00am the morning of.
The note should include student name, grade, reason for leaving, time
leaving, parent name and contact number. The attendance office will
attempt to make contact with parents/guardians to verify all letters
received. All letters must be verified in order for PLC’s to be approved
(meaning parents will need to verify the letter. If we do not get in contact
with parent, the student may not be granted his/her PLC).
Passes to leave campus will be issued for the following reasons:
• Medical or dental appointments verified by an appointment card or
note from the doctor or dentist
• Illness substantiated by the school Health Aide (all sick students must
report to the health room. Our Health aide will administer to the
sick/injured student and make contact with parent if student needs to be
sent home. Parents should not be calling the attendance office to request
for PLC for their child. The health aide will determine whether they need
to be sent home or not.
• Driver licensing (verification from DMV required upon returning to
• Family emergencies (administration approval needed)
ALL last minute PLC’s may require parents to physically come and sign
out the student for verification purposes. Students who have a valid
driver’s license and will be driving themselves home, will need a written
waiver from the parent/guardian authorizing them to drive home.