Lahainaluna High School

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Graduation 2022 Update

Aloha Seniors,
After a lot of work and discussions, we have been able to get the Lei Ceremony for Graduation APPROVED!!!!! Everyone will need to wear masks while this occurs, and a reminder will be given to parents to not wear heels on the field, but we are over the moon excited to have this ceremony for you all!!!!
We also have gotten approval to have the guest count increased to 8. We are still working out what this will look like at the ceremony, but we wanted to inform you so you could prepare. We will still live stream the event for those that are not included in the 8. We cannot do more than 8 :)
A BIG shout out to Dr. Grando who has played a big role in getting this for you all as well. Be sure to thank her when you see her.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Jackie Ellis