Smarter Balanced Assessment Information for 11th graders

March 8,2021


Dear Parent/Legal Guardian of LHS 11th grader,


Your child is scheduled to participate in the Smarter Balanced Assessments for grades 11 ELA (CAT) and ELA (PT) which are federally mandated by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015) and required per Hawaii Board of Education policy. Students who are participating in distance learning or hybrid models are also required to be assessed in-person and on our school’s campus.  The schedule has already been emailed to your son/daughter via their school gmail on March 3rd. This assessment begins on Wednesday, March 10th.


Your child will be administered these assessments in person at Lahainaluna High School (Please see schedule attached to this email). 2021 SBA.xlsx


The following safety measures will be in place:


  • School staff and students will follow the Department of Health guidelines and must remain home if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms. 

  • Test sessions will be staggered (i.e., timing and location) to allow for social distancing.

  • Students will have a designated break area outside for a few students/staff at a time, to stand at least six feet apart to drink water and take mask breaks.

  • Students who are fully distance learning will not be allowed on campus more than 30-60  minutes before their test, and must leave immediately after testing.

  • Students who arrive after the scheduled start time will not be allowed on campus.

  • All surfaces that may have been touched by another class or student prior to testing—such as tables, chairs, door handles, etc.—will be sanitized. 

  • Students must wear masks and remain six feet apart from each other.

  • Students will be at their own table or desk.

  • The test administrator will wear a mask and/or face shield.

  • The test administrator will frequently wash hands with soap and water or use of hand sanitizer upon arrival, between interactions with individuals, and after breaks.

  • The test administrator or proctor will use pencils or pointers for pointing, if required.

  • Sanitizer will be provided to students at the testing site.

  • Bathrooms and floors will be cleaned each day.


The Smarter Balanced computer adaptive tests (CATs) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics are completed by most students in a 45-60 minute test session. The ELA assessment has an additional component, the Performance Task (PT), which will take approximately 45-55 minutes. 

Your cooperation is appreciated in preparing your child for the scheduled days of testing. Please review your child’s name and test dates/times in the schedule and add the dates/times to your family’s calendar. 


If you have any questions please call 662-4000 and have them transfer the call to me.



Ruth Mathis Wisseh, Test Coordinator